︎︎︎RESOURCES ︎︎︎

︎ This is a work in progress list - we are open to feedback, suggestions, and links you would like us to add/remove, please email us at ︎

︎ Stay Current

︎ Democracy Now

︎ NPR 

︎  It’s Going Down

︎ The Living Document: Chronicling the extent of White Supremacy in the Theater Industry

︎ Change The Museum 

 ︎ Uprising from the Bedroom

︎︎︎Make it Rain︎︎︎

︎ Creative Ecosystems and Funds Support Black People (by @annika.izora)

︎ We Are The Ones Mutual Fund

︎ People’s Breakfast Oakland

︎ The Okra Project

︎Black Table Arts

︎ Reclaim the Block

︎ Black Visions Collective

︎ Support Black Trans Women Leaving Prison

︎ National Bail Out

︎ Region specific bail fund

︎ 37 Bail Funds

︎ Bail Funds/Legal Services by City

︎The Bail Project

︎ TGI Justice Project

︎ Sistah Circle Collective Black Feminist+Womanist grassroots (Based in Rwanda)

︎ Black Trans Travel Fund (East Coast)

︎ Help Zahalea Anderson re-open her business

︎︎︎Broke but Revolutionary Cute︎︎︎

︎ Black Lives Matter Petitions 

︎ Free Josh Williams

︎ Color of Change - Active Campaigns 

︎  Don’t Let Congress Kill Encryption 

︎ Defund12 - Email your Mayor, Council Members, and Elected Officials 

 ︎  Protesting from the Streets

︎ Direct Action Pocket Guide (by Bufu)

︎ Resources and Bail Funds to Support Protestors (by @botanicaldyke)

︎ Sources and Ways to Take Action

 ︎ Resources to Stay Informed

︎︎︎General List of Resources︎︎︎

︎  Resources and Bail Funds to Support Protestors (by @botanicaldyke)

︎ Resources and Ways to Take Action

︎ How to Support During The Black Lives Matter Movement

︎ Resources for Black Women and Trans Folks (by @annika.izora)

︎ Anti-Racism Guide For Beginners 

︎Anti Racist Resource Guide

︎For white & Non-Black People Living in America (by @maliabyr)

︎ Anti-Racist Packet

︎Social Change Ecosystem

︎South Asians for Black Lives (by Equality Labs)

︎︎︎Short Attention Span?︎︎︎

︎ Anti-Racist Anxiety 

︎︎︎After IG ~ I Read Articles︎︎︎

︎ Virtual Zine Library: Race, Policing and Activism  

︎︎︎Book Club Ready︎︎︎

︎ Black Revolutionary Texts

︎ Revolutionary Books and Complimentary Texts: A Drop for Black Liberation

︎ Towards Humanity: Shifting The Culture of Anti-Racism Organizing by Tawana "Honeycomb" Petty

︎ How We Get Free by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Call Marcus Books for purchase)

︎ Dark Matters by Simone Browne (Call Marcus Books for purchase)

︎ Who Do You Serve, Who Do You Protect? (Call Marcus Books for purchase)

︎ In The Wake by Christina Sharpe (Call Marcus Books for purchase)

︎ Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler (free PDF) 

︎ Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler (free MP3 Audio file)

︎︎︎Rest as a Form of Resistance︎︎︎

︎ Therapy Resources for People of Color / Queer Folx  

︎  Black Health Matters Resources (by @golfwung on twitter)

︎ 8 Mental Health Resources for POC Struggling Right Now

︎ Collective Grief and Healing: Nap Ministry (Spotify playlist)

 ︎ Addressing Anti-Blackness and Systemic Racism in Different Languages/Cultures

︎ South Asian Languages 

︎  Letter For Black Lives 

︎  Facebook Tagalog Video

︎  Various Other Languages

︎ How to Talk About Anti-Blackness and These Protests in Our Fil-Am Circles 

︎ Asian American Racial Justice Tool Kit

︎ South Asians for Black Lives: A Call for Action, Accountability, and Introspection

 ︎ Fuck The Police! And This is Why

︎︎︎Short Attention Span?︎︎︎

︎ Reformist Reform vs Abolitionist Reform  (by @criticalresistance)

︎ Climate Activism Depends on Ending Police Violence (by @climatelockdown)

︎ A *Brief History* of Police Violence in the Bay Area (by @jayanags)

︎ Imagining Abolition (by @beyokz)

︎ Defunding The Police Means Re-Funding Social Services (by @afterwardsness)

︎︎︎After IG ~ I Read Articles︎︎︎

︎ No More Money for The Police

︎ Cofessions from a Former Bastard Cop

︎ Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police by Mariame Kaba

︎︎︎Book Club Ready︎︎︎

︎ Policing the Planet: Why The Policing Crisis Led to Black Lives Matter - Edited by Jordan T. Camp and Christina Heatherton

︎ Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis

︎ The New Jim Crow Chapter 1  by Michelle Alexander (Audio)

︎ The End of Policing by Alex S. Vitale

 ︎ Black-Owned Businesses to Support

︎  Bay Area (by @soleil_ho)

︎ New York City (by Hannah Goldfield and Joseph Hernandez)

︎ Queens (by @queenseats and

︎ Los Angeles (by @makiahisms)

︎ Los Angeles (by @prosciuttogirl69)

︎ Seattle

︎ Portland 

︎ San Diego

 ︎ Anti-Racist Design / Tech Resources

︎ Anti-Racist Design Resource Guide

︎ Typography as a Radical Act in an Industry Ever-dominated by White Men

︎ The Bias Embedded in Algorithms: A curated reading list by Safiya Umoja Noble

© Macro Waves Est. 2015