SPF30: Escape To Yesteryear
Immersive Installations / Site-Specific Theater
Layer Studios
Oakland, CA
While the image of the quintessential summer can vary between individuals, SPF 30’s cues are designed to resonate with a multitude of cultural, economical and geographical backgrounds. The installation not only draws on the nostalgic days of summer, but also illuminates the mundane and aimless ones that are just as memorable.
SPF30 will transform Layer Studios into a one day installation art experience from 4pm-9pm. Live musical performances by Tyrese Johnson, Joshua Icban and Jon Reyes will be integrated into the installations to provide a cohesive soundtrack. Additionally, Hood Yums, a local food pop up will provide cuisine inspired by Filipino American experiences.
In the closing of their SPF 30 installation exhibition, MACRO WAVES Collective produced “ Escape To Yesteryear” an immersive site-specific theater exploring self identity and a coming of age experience within three summer narratives. The production scales these concepts through live soundscape, videos projections, contemporary and TURF dance, spoken word and live storytelling. While the sets resemble normal summer environments, Escape To Yesteryear recontextualizes examples of it’s settings beyond their conventional framing. The stories explore the impact of internal and external forces which can shape some of our most formidable memories. From the idle time of the living room to your 15 minute break at your first summer job, Escape To Yesteryear traverses across multiple spectrums of experiences and identities.