Multi-Sensory Installation
SWIM Gallery
San Francisco, CA
June 5 - June 17, 2022
As featured artists for APICC’s United States of Asian America Festival, Macro Waves presents Breath.io, a multi-sensory installation that serves as a futuristic community healing space. Through a sensory experience, breath.io celebrates the power of collective care through the practice of guided breathwork. Breath.io features acupuncturist, Paolo Flores Chico in a guided microcosmic orbit breath experimental video collaboration. The project will have an opening reception on Sunday, June 5th, featuring a Guided Movement with Jin Lee Baobei, and will close out the project on Friday, June 17 with Breathwork for Collective Consciousness with Chanel Durley and a live sound performance with Sharmi Basu.
Breath.io follows a science fiction narrative in an alternative future where the breath is revered as sacred. Visitors are invited inside the space to participate in a futuristic meditative breath experience. Entering the installation, visitors are greeted by an instructional video of the microcosmic breath made in collaboration with Paolo Flores Chico. An interactive light sculpture in the center of the installation space leads the visitors through a collective breath exercise. Participants will be encouraged to breathe together in synchronization, symbolizing community union as a form of radical healing. This light sculpture synchronized with the audio-guided meditation will slowly fade bright to dim, mimicking human breath.
By introducing breath meditation within the framework of art, we aim to embrace collective care as an essential aspect of our daily lives. Our goal is to create accessible and free space for people to focus on alternative mental health modalities and frameworks for healing justice.
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APICC USAAF 2022 Festival
Press Kit